one time buy

Our Story & Vision

Where did it all start?

Our closets are always overflowing but we never have anything that (we want) to wear. Wishing that they dressed their finest in the most frugal way turned out to be a dream shared by many. But, when it comes to wedding season, we don’t hesitate before splurging on our loved ones – fully aware that we probably won’t wear those outfits until the next season, at the very least.

With styles, sizes, trends, and designers evolving with every season, women like Nikita seemed to be less likely to opt for repeating a garment, if given the choice. She would always look for outfits that were “evergreen” so they were easier to repeat and, yet she found herself scouring for something…different. The heart wanted more. It didn’t want second-hand clothes that were 3 seasons old. It wanted the freshest looks from new-age designers who are setting their mark in the industry of luxury Indian couture.

After discovering luxury Indian garments (you know, the ones being adorned by public figures like celebrities and influencers), and being fully aware that neither did these public figures need to burn a hole in their pockets, nor necessarily repeat the look, the idea struck. Couture can make its way in anyone’s closet with no strings attached to its label

Et voilà!

What's the goal?

It’s all about being sustainable in our clothing choices, making mindful  purchases and protecting our planet in 2022. Being part of the shared economy helps keep your  pockets happy, your wardrobe sufficiently full and your social media poppin’! 

We want you to invest in garments mindfully and build a closet with clothes that you’d want to repeat. But at the same time, we want you to have the ability to experiment and play with your style without the strings of high costs or pressure to re-wear attached to it.

Also, we knew our answer when asked whether we would settle for a counterfeit when we could have the real deal. We’re here to appreciate all the effort designers put into creating these beautiful garments and giving them the respect, credit (and money) that they deserve.  

The vision is to educate people on the stigma around one-time wear. If anything, it is viewed as a privilege to wear luxury garments straight from the designer and then  having the ability to return it. We want everyone to have that privilege!